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Release notes

Quest 1.4.0

July 26, 2024

New features ✨

  • New objective to require recruits to take quizzes
  • Attach a link to an objective to guide recruits
  • Increased immersion by improving how dialogues are revealed
  • Ability to duplicate a mission and all its settings
  • Added overall insights for all missions in a context
  • Export overall insights data to CSV
  • Export mission recruits data and their metrics to CSV
  • Filter recruits by name and other identity fields
  • Filter recruit missions by state (ongoing, completed, etc.)
  • Remove all recruits from a mission at once

Quality of life 💪

  • Design improvements to the table views found in several pages
  • New messages in narrator dialogue are denoted from previous messages
  • Objectives for a particular activity suggest its URL as associated page
  • Improved design consistency of the content displayed in the block
  • The missions overview page indicates the number of users recruited for each mission
  • Pages displaying a recruit include the user's avatar and identity fields
  • Recruits' pages can be seen in a wide view to reveal more columns
  • Improved responsive design on recruits' views
  • Page-wide actions have been added and moved to a menu
  • The user's preferred data export format is remembered
  • Revisited the settings interface of the objective to complete profile information
  • Removing a recruit from a mission can be done from the recruit's page
  • Adding emphasis on destructive actions
  • Recruit objectives are now re-evaluated after an objective has been edited

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Access platform objective captures visits on the front page
  • Complete section objective requires that the course supports sections
  • Assigner scheduled task gracefully handles deleted missions
  • Outcome to assign a quest gracefully handles deleted quests
  • Handle rare case of race condition when incrementing objective
  • Other fixes and improvements

Technical changes 🛠

  • Raised minimum required version to Moodle 4.1

Additional notes 👀

Quest 1.3.4

May 29, 2024

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Achievement unlocked notifications could prevent navigation in rare cases
  • Completed date of incomplete achievements manually marked as complete was not displayed

Quest 1.3.3

April 24, 2024

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Quests did not finish when learners manually closed the modal
  • Text could go out of bounds for challenges with long objectives or outcomes
  • Handle Moodle regression causing "Delete" buttons to disappear from modals (MDL-81339)

Quality of life 💪

  • Improved tab order of action buttons in some modals

Technical changes 🛠

  • Compatibility with Moodle 4.4

Quest 1.3.2

Feb 12, 2024

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Incomplete list of available roles in course enrolment outcome when used sitewise

Quest 1.3.1

Feb 9, 2024

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Cohorts could not be used to recruit users in sitewide missions
  • Handle PHP notice when course enrolment outcome is used sitewise
  • Invalid reference to a language string in completion rate objective

Quest 1.3.0

Jan 6, 2024

New features ✨

  • Introduced library to use custom images for quest narrators and achievements
  • Added page to browse all users recruited for any mission in the context
  • Added recruit page listing all missions a user is recruited for

Quality of life 💪

  • Redesigned and improved UX of the page listing all missions
  • Top level navigation between missions, recruits and library pages

Quest 1.2.1

Dec 2, 2023

Technical changes 🛠

  • Compatibility with Moodle 4.3
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Removed unused get_config_structure methods from objective type

Quest 1.2.0

May 29, 2023

New features ✨

  • Outcome to award coins in Motrain
  • Objective to attain a certain level in Motrain

Quality of life 💪

  • Page width defaults to narrower view
  • Increase size of achievements on profile page
  • Improve responsiveness of charts on insights pages
  • Display periodicity of challenge in its modal

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Challenge outcomes could be triggered twice
  • Access activity objective limited choices to activity with completion

Technical changes 🛠

  • Compatibility with Moodle 4.2

Quest 1.1.2

April 20, 2023

Bug fixes 🐛

  • List of recruitment automations was always empty
  • Include missing challenge related properties in backups
  • Objectives, outcomes and assigners were not updated during restores
  • Backing up a course could result in an error
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Quest 1.1.1

April 13, 2023

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Incorrect reference to previously renamed property

Technical changes 🛠

  • Fixed incorrect plugin maturity declaration

Quest 1.1.0

April 13, 2023

New features ✨

  • Extended backup support to track deeper parameters

Quality of life 💪

  • Recruits page now lists people instead of instances for challenges
  • Improved insights given for challenges
  • Improved backup/restore of several objectives, outcomes and assigners

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Fixed an incompatibility with MySQL
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Quest 1.0.0

March 7, 2023

  • ✨ Initial release!