📄️ Glossary
Please note the terms that we are being used throughout the documentation.
📄️ Achievements
Achievements are single-objective missions which goal is to celebrate the learners who completed them. Learners can see the achievements that are available for them to unlock, so they double as an engagement tool targeting completionists.
📄️ Quests
Quests are short stories narrated by a character, inviting the learner to complete one or more objectives. Optional rewards can be given to the learner when they complete their quest.
📄️ Challenges
Challenges are made of one or more objectives, potentially leading to a reward. They differ from quests in that they do not include a narrative. Moreover, challenges can be limited in time, and be automatically recurring.
📄️ Recruits
"Recruits" refers to users who have been assigned a mission.
📄️ User privacy
How is user information and privacy handled?