📄️ Glossary
Please note the terms that we are being used throughout the documentation.
📄️ Achievements
Achievements are a playful way to recognise and celebrate learners once they reach specific goals. They act as an enticing engagement tool for completionists by revealing each available achievement, but keeping the commemorative visual hidden until the objective is met. This approach builds anticipation and motivates learners to persist until they unlock both the surprise image and a celebratory moment.
📄️ Quests
Quests are short stories narrated by a character, inviting the learner to complete one or more objectives. Optional rewards can be given to the learner when they complete their quest.
📄️ Challenges
Challenges are made of one or more objectives, potentially leading to a reward. They differ from quests in that they do not include a narrative. Moreover, challenges can be limited in time, and be automatically recurring.
📄️ Streaks
Streaks are counters of how many consecutive days (or weeks) recruits have completed their objectives. If recruits fail to complete their objectives, their streak breaks and the counter is resets to zero.
📄️ Mission tracker
The mission tracker is the place in which recruits can see all their relevant missions. These include:
📄️ Recruits
Recruits are users who have been assigned a mission. Users will not know anything about a mission until they become a recruit. For instance, a quest that is discoverable cannot be seen or interacted with by users who have not been recruited.
📄️ User privacy
How is user information and privacy handled?