Take a quiz
Objective to require the recruit to take quizzes and optionally meet a certain grade.
Setting up
There are a few main options to pay attention to when setting up this objective.
Eligible activities
This setting defines which quizzes can count towards completing the objective. You can choose between a specific quiz where any attempt must be taken in that quiz, or allow any quiz to contribute to the objective.
Attempts required
This is the number of times quizzes must be taken to complete the objective. When eligible activities are set to "Any quiz", you also have the option to allow multiple attempts in the same quiz.
Please ensure that it is possible for the recruit to attempt the quizzes. Restrictions on the number of attempts permitted are set in the quiz itself.
Grade requirement
As an instructor, you may choose to ignore attempts that do not meet a certain grade.
Grades are evaluated on attempts, not the final grade of a quiz which is calculated based on all attempts. Quest looks only at the grade obtained in an attempt, not the final grade.
The following grade requirements options are available:
Any grade
There are no restrictions on the grade at all, obtaining zero is accepted.
Grade percentage
When selecting a percentage, the grade obtained will be compared against the percentage. For instance, selecting "60%", attempts with a grade equal or higher than 6/10, or 12/20, or 30/50, etc. will be accepted.
Grade to pass
When this option is selected, the "Grade to pass" of the quiz is used. Instructors can set a passing grade in quiz settings. If a passing grade is not set, the attempt will be accepted regardless of the grade obtained. Otherwise, the attempt must achieve the passing grade at minimum to be accepted.