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Reach a streak of

This objective requires recruits to build an ongoing streak up to a minimum number.

Setting up

The settings of this objective will require you to enter the number to reach. The minimum number to reach is two, because every streak starts at one.

You can also select which streaks are eligible, which determines which streaks will be tracked for the benefit of this objective. The options available and their meaning change depending on the context in which the streak is created.

For course streaks

Setting eligible streaks to any in this course will track any streak within the course. While setting eligible streaks to any streak will consider both the current course's streaks, and the sitewide ones. It will not consider other courses.

For sitewide streaks

Setting eligible streaks to sitewide only will track any sitewide streak. However setting eligible streaks to any streak will broadly track all streaks (sitewide and in all courses).


When recruits have multiple active streaks at the same time, all will be tracked even if they are not visible to them.

Behaviour with ongoing streaks

When the objective starts and tracking begins, it will check if the recruit has any ongoing streak with a counter equal to or above the required number, and if one exists the objective will be instantly completed.