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From XP 3.15, navigate to the Level Up XP admin settings to identify potential compatibility issues with your environment. Or search for the admin setting compatibilitycheck to get there.

Potential Moodle incompatibility

This happens when the plugins are installed on a major Moodle version that was released after XP. While we do our best to anticipate any potential issues, it is impossible to guarantee that XP is compatible with that Moodle version.

The simplest way to resolve this is to upgrade XP and XP+ to their latest versions.

Out of sync

This happens when XP has been upgraded, but XP+ was not. This means that Level Up XP+ is now extending a version of Level Up XP that it was not developed against. This can lead to unexpected issues, misbehaving features, or other unknown conflicts.

If a version of XP+ becomes excessively older than that of XP, XP+ may automatically disable itself to prevent malfunctioning.

To resolve this issue, upgrade XP+ to its latest version.