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Award points via the Web Services API

This features requires Level Up XP+

The Web Services API of Moodle can be used to award points to students. This can be useful to automate the attribution of points for actions taken in another system.


  • An XP+ plan including API support
  • Moodle Web Services configured and enabled for the function local_xp_award_points
  • A Web Service token to authenticate with the API

Constructing the request


This guide assumes that the default rest Web Service plugin is used. If you are using a different Web Service plugin than the standard one, please refer to their documentation.

The Web Service function to award points is local_xp_award_points, and it requires the following arguments:

  • userid (int): The user ID of the Moodle user to whom points should be given
  • points (int): The number of points to give to the user
  • courseid (int): The ID of the course in which the points are given, when XP is used sitewide, use 1.

The default rest Web Service plugin requires:

  • All requests to be POST.
  • All requests to be sent to
  • All requests to be form encoded, not the typical JSON.
  • A body (or query) parameter wstoken to declare the contain the authentication token.
  • A body (or query) parameter wsfunction to reference the Web Service function to call.
  • A body (or query) parameter moodlewsrestformat with value json to get a JSON response.

Sample query

Here is a sample query awarding 10 points to the user with ID 20, in the course 30. Replace WSTOKEN with your Webservice Token.

http -f POST wstoken=WSTOKEN wsfunction=local_xp_award_points moodlewsrestformat=json points=10 userid=20 courseid=30



After a successful request, the response will include an object with the updated total number of points of the user, for instance 1200 below:

{"xp": 1200}


  • The permissions are checked in the system context when used sitewide, else in the course context.
  • The user calling the API must have the permissions block/xp:manage.
  • The user to receive points must have the permission block/xp:earnxp.